Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Feel the Fear, Then Clear It With Tapping!

‘Feel the Fear, Then Do It Anyway!’ Ever heard that expression? I’m sure you have. It’s what our parents, bosses and mentors tell us to do when we’re trying to do something new, like striving to achieve a dream or goal. They say, just grit your teeth and go for it.

And, it’s a good strategy unless you’re talking about the real fear that comes from the threat of danger. That’s part of our survival instinct. It helps us stay alive.

But, we’re not talking about fight or flight fear responses now. We’re talking about the fear that comes from our psyche when we’re faced with doing something we’ve never done before, or something that makes us uncomfortable like stage fright, jumping into water, asking your boss for a raise or cold-calling clients. And to make the separation clear I’m going to call this the ‘Crazy Fear’…because in many ways it is crazy. It’s an irrational reaction to a lot of made up ‘stuff’ that can’t hurt us and for the most part, isn’t even real.

Now, there are times when just powering through a situation works just fine. But, there are other times, when just powering through it isn’t enough. When it’s a behavior, or task that you have to do regularly, powering through it can have the opposite effect. It can actually make you more resistant to taking action; sometimes to the point of just not doing it at all. It’s exhausting, and it takes a lot of energy to maintain that kind of persistence for long periods of time.

For some of us, these fears can be terrifying, to the point of paralysis. They block our success; and prevent us from living life to the fullest. Sometimes, they block us from simply living. But the truth is, they’re completely imaginary; they are figments of our own imaginations. Yet, they hold us back and keep us from fulfilling our dreams and desires and living our best life.

So, let’s take a look at FEAR! What is it really? One way of describing it is that it’s simply ‘False Evidence Appearing Real’…so real that it binds us mentally and in some ways physically. In some people, the physical symptom can be dramatic, ranging from dizziness and sweating to vomiting and muscle paralysis.

A good example is public speaking. It’s a known fact that most people would rather die than speak before an audience. Now that’s about as dramatic as it gets. But, it also illustrates how irrational it is. Death means the end of your lifetime on the planet. While giving a speech only lasts a few minutes, and you can go on with your life afterwards.

How ‘crazy’ is that? Now, I have a confession to make…I have a crazy fear of my own. I’m a singer. I’ve performed before audiences many times, as a soloist, a member of a choir and 6 member group…and I absolutely love it. I also love public speaking. Give me a microphone and I can talk for hours.

My ‘crazy fear’ is cold-calling clients. Like a lot of other people, calling strangers to solicit them for business is terrifying. Why? I haven’t the slightest idea. While some people seem to like it, most people hate it. Still they have to do it because it’s part of their job. Somehow, these brave souls find the where-with-all to work through their fear and do it anyway.

But I never found that inner resolve to power through this fear. For me, it’s almost impossible for me to make myself pick up the phone and call a client. I’d find all kinds of distractions so I could postpone making those phone calls. I’m not sure where it came from, or when it started. All I know is it was a real problem for me because I’m a real estate investor. I have to call my clients to make my money. It’s became a major hindrance to my success.

Funny huh? I can almost hear some of you saying, how can you be so at ease singing and speaking in public, and so terrified about making a few phone calls? Well, that’s why I call it the ‘crazy fear’…it doesn’t make sense. It’s a totally irrational behavior. Yet, it’s very real and must be dealt with if we are to move forward, realize our potential and enjoy the success and joy we all aspire to and desire.

I remember a time when I used to love talking on the phone; calling people was not an issue. But somewhere along the line, things shifted. I’ve come to a place where I’d rather do almost anything else but pick up the phone and call a client. I’ve struggled greatly for the last few years to find a way to make a breakthrough. And, finally I did!

In my efforts to understand, clear and work through my crazy fear, I started examining my past to try and identify the event that set the fear response in motion. When did this start? What changed me? How did I build up such a strong resistance to phone calling? And, then there was the bigger question: How was I going to clear it so I could get my business back on track and be successful. It really had become the ‘single’ most critical obstacle to my success.

But, try as I might, I couldn’t remember anything specific to link to my fear. So, instead of working on the event, I decided to focus on the responses. I realized that whatever the ‘event or events’ were, it was the responses…the energetic feelings I was experiencing now that were the show stoppers. So, I decided to concentrate my efforts on dealing with that energy, instead.

Now, this isn’t the usual approach to dealing with a phobia. Traditional practice is to identify the trauma, dig deep into the event, and then attempt to heal it. But, since that wasn’t possible for me to remember the event, I needed an alternative approach. That alternative turned out to be an energy healing modality. One day I got an email about something called EFT, and it literally changed my life.

It simply said…’everything is energy’! And, that was my A-ha moment! Suddenly, I realized that it didn’t matter what the cause was. I could simply work with the energy responses and through them, heal the cause. This was the turning point!

So, what was this thing called ‘EFT’? I knew about Reiki healing, I’d studied it and received my Masters certifications. But, this was something new. EFT, was an energy healing technique called the ‘Emotional Freedom Technique, (more recently called ‘Tapping’).

You may not have heard about it either, and it really isn’t new. EFT or Tapping was developed several decades ago as a way to give people relief from intense emotional problems such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, guilt, anger, grief, and many other emotional and physical issues and conditions.

It’s based on the practice of manipulating the energy centers located in certain places in the body to redirect and stimulate the body’s energy, which allows us to let go of the negative imprints, resulting in healing. Unlike its cousin Acupuncture, no needles or other instruments are used. Instead, EFT or Tapping employs the simple act of tapping on certain energy meridians to release, and/or redirect the energy flow in our body’s energy system. That’s why we call it ‘Tapping’. And, the results can be quite dramatic!

It’s a highly effective process. It can give a person relief from emotional trauma and discomfort in mere minutes. The process includes making simple supportive and affirmative statements to focus attention on the issue while tapping on the energy meridians. By doing this, we re-frame and/or eliminate the negative affect of the memory and the event.

After setting our intention by stating the condition or behavior, we use a tapping sequence on the energy meridians while making other descriptive or affirmative statements, and breathing. The breath is a very important component of clearing energy, so we do it before and after a series of rounds.

Most sessions consist of several rounds to clear and remove the energy blockages. The technique is painless, yet very powerful. There’s no disrobing, and it can be done anywhere, in person, by phone, or via the internet.

Sounds simple doesn’t it…well it is…simple, yet incredibly effective. If you’d like to learn more about the incredible results of using Tapping for PTSD, go here to read about some of the work we’re doing: http://newsletter.eftuniverse.com/index.php?action=message&c=128. Visit the EFT website for more information about Tapping/EFT at: http://www.eftuniverse.com.

Today, many people use Tapping as part of their daily routines to energize and start their day with good energy and a balanced state of mind. I encourage you to try Tapping and see how it works for you. Just email me at: thewomanexec@gmail.com and we’ll schedule a 30 minute ‘FREE TRY TAPPING’ session for you. You’ll notice a difference after just one session!

©February, 2012 Feel the Fear and Clear it with Tapping, by Lyn Williams
Love and Happiness Mastery© Coach
Forgiveness Is Freedom!©
How to Start A Business Without Losing Your Mind In 12 Easy Steps!
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