Monday, May 7, 2012

There’s more to us than meets the eye!

Yes, we’re just like an iceberg. There’s more to us under the surface than we can see. And just like an iceberg can sink a ship, what’s under our surfaces can, and does sink us! Most of us don’t even realize that this very important part of us exists. We are taught and programmed to think that our physical bodies are all there is.

Western, industrialized societies are among the youngest on Earth as compared to Eastern, African and other societies who’ve been around for many thousands of years. And yet, we think we know more and have it all figured out. But, we don’t. In fact we’re just beginning to discover the real truths about the many levels of Consciousness that exists within and around us. It’s amazing and the truth can be seen all around us, in plain view. The evidence is everywhere. So, let’s take a look.

Basically, there are 3-4 parts to us (depending how you define it). Each part has multiple levels. No one knows exactly how many levels there are because we don’t have the science to detect what happens beyond what’s beyond our current levels of awareness. But, we do know there are the physical, mental/emotional and spiritual levels of existence. We know the most about the physical; we know less about our mental/emotional makeups, and the least about the spiritual. There’s too much detail to discuss here, so I’ll just address the highlights.

First, we have our physical body. It’s where we live. We use it to see, taste, feel, hear and smell our world. It supports us on this plane of existence through our sensory systems and organs. It’s also connected to the other levels of existence through our brains and nervous systems where our thought processes, voluntary and involuntary functions and responses occur. Our brains are simply energy conductors sending electrical messages and instructions to the various systems that make our bodies function.

But our bodies also house our emotional system, which is another energy system that connects our spiritual selves to the physical body. The evidence of its existence is the reaction caused by a thought; or something someone says that you like or don’t like. Your emotional response registers in your brain first, then flows through your emotional body, and is felt in your physical body. The physical body itself doesn’t react to words or thoughts on its own.

Then, there’s our spiritual system. This is where our intuition and life force systems reside; it’s our God or Universe connection…it’s where ‘we’ really live. All of these systems, (physical, mental/emotional and spiritual) work together and exist within an ‘energy field’ that’s the very essence of life itself. Another name for this energy field is God, Universe, Source, Spirit, or whatever name you call it. This energy flows in, around and through us. It’s the enerty substance that everything, including our bodies is made of. It comprises every form, physical and etheric.

It’s the world we perceive through our five senses; it’s sound, color, temperature, light…everything! It sends involuntary energetic messages through our brains to our bodies, sustaining our lives and allowing our bodies to function. And, still it’s more than that.

The truth is…everything is this ‘Energy’. There is nothing that can’t be described as anything but the ‘Energy’. The food we eat is ‘Energy’ in various forms. When we eat it, our bodies convert it to usable energy. Air is ‘Energy’. All you have to do is take a few deep breaths to feel its energizing affect on your body.

Sound is ‘Energy”…really! Just stand in front of a loud speaker and you’ll feel the energy pounding around you. Color is ‘Energy’…it transmits different messages depending on its shade and intensity. Nothing says power like red. Nothing is more soothing than the color blue. Heat, cold, light, wind, water…are all forms of ‘Energy’ that we perceive physically. Then there is the ‘Energy’ of words…the very essence of power. They carry messages that drive and direct our every action, reaction and emotion. Words have started wars and created peace. They inspire us and defeat us. They warm us and chill us. They are invisible, but they have incredible affects on our mental/emotional bodies.

Now let’s talk a bit more about the spiritual part of us. This is where things become esoteric. We can’t see, taste, feel, or smell our spiritual bodies…at least most of us can’t. But, all of us ‘hear’ our spiritual selves. It’s your inner voice, the still, small voice you hear in your head that guides, warns and comforts you from within; not the ego chatter that we hear all day, but small gentle voice we call our intuition or sub-conscious.

Some of us have learned to ignore the voice so we can to do and say anything we want no matter how bad or self-serving it is. However, when we do this, we squeeze the connection to the most powerful and enduring parts of us…our spirits.

Now, I know there are a lot of people who believe our souls aren’t eternal. That once the physical body dies, that’s it…we’re done. But that simply isn’t true. The life force within us, our soul is eternal. Everything has one, and it is part of our Source or Universal selves. It’s the force that controls all of the involuntary functions of your body like heartbeat, breathing, digestion, thinking, etc. It’s the seat of our emotions like love, joy, harmony, and yes even hate and sorrow.

While most people say they believe in the existence of the soul, they’re still not really sure it’s real. That is, until a life changing event like illness, trauma, and/or great loss transforms them. The personal experience of having to draw on that ‘something deep within’ can transform a belief in the soul’s existence. Major events like these are so profound; and require such inner strength and determination to survive and endure, that those who come through these experiences often develop a ‘knowing’ that changes them forever.

Now another word for the universal energy is Consciousness. Sometimes that’s a more comfortable word for people to use instead of God. So let’s go with it. Consciousness. What is it? Well, according to Deepak Chopra ‘The simplest definition of Consciousness is Awareness; the two are synonymous. Consciousness is the potential for all creation. The more Consciousness you have, the more potential you have to create. Pure Consciousness, because it underlies everything, is pure potential. Using Consciousness as its modeling clay, Creation is continuously creating itself. Consciousness turns into things in the objective world, into experiences in the subjective world. Break any experience down to its most basic element, and what you get are invisible ripples in the quantum field; break down any object into its most basic element, and what you get is also a ripple in the quantum field. Therefore, the simplest definition of Consciousness is Awareness.’

In other words, it’s a field of unlimited potential that we have access to. Everything we do, have, think, feel, create, and experience happens in Consciousness…which is the energy that all that is, is made of, and we live and exist within that energy. We are it, which also means we have access to its potential. We are co-creators with it. We create in it and from it. We cannot be separated from it because it is who we are.

Now once we truly understand what this really means, we can begin to change our lives and experiences and have the wonderful lives we really desire. The problem is by the time we come to this understanding, we’ve been so conditioned and programmed by society and our environment to suppress and doubt our true selves, that we don’t have full access anymore. Instead of being open to an unlimited flow, our experiences have caused us to squeeze our access channel to this great power down to a trickle. It’s like the difference between the amount of water rushing through a fire hose vs. a straw…really!

This was a simplified explanation of what’s beneath the surface of us. But now that you see how the 3 bodies interconnect, you can start to understand why the biggest part of you is that which exists under the surface, like an iceberg. But unlike the iceberg, your hidden bodies are active and powerful. They contain all of the ‘stuff’ that drives us, inspires us and blocks us.

As we grow, and choose to be more open, loving and make better choices, we realize the need to improve ourselves and work on our ‘stuff’. For most people, this means improving our physical selves. But since that’s not where our ‘stuff’ is, our efforts usually produce mediocre results. To get the results we desire, we have to go down the rabbit hole and work on the level where our stuff resides…the emotional and spiritual levels.

The first step is to connect with your true self. Then, to start listening to, and nurturing it. Remember, whatever you give your attention to, increases and is empowered.

The first step is to begin new spiritual practices to increase your awareness; learn and practice Law of Attraction principles; study spiritual and metaphysical subjects, meditate, do yoga, etc. There are many ways to connect with your spirit, but you have to set your intention, then you have to do it.

Now it’s up to you. Find the practices and disciplines that speak to you, and move forward with discovering your true, magnificent self. There’s so much more to know, and once you start exploring you’ll be just like Alice; alive with curiosity and excitement, and on the path to a whole new life. So, come on let’s go down the rabbit hole together. Hey, it’ll be fun!!

©April, 2012 There’s More to Us Than Meets the Eye!, by Lyn Williams

Love and Happiness Mastery© Coach
How to Create Your Angel Dream Team Webinars
Ebook: How to Start A Business Without Losing Your Mind In 12 Easy Steps!
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  1. Lyn, thank you for this beautiful sharing of how life is so much more than what it seems... enjoy the journey!

    1. Thank you for your wonderful comments, Deborah. They are very much appreciated!
