Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy Re-Birthday!

On this very special day of our spiritual re-birth, I wish you a very 'Happy Re-birthday' filled with all the love, light, comfort and success you deserve and desire!

I've been doing additional, and longer meditations for the last 2 days. I've received many wonderful new insights...some of which I'm still receiving, so I don’t totally understand them yet.

I am feeling more inner peace and calm, even as I face the remaining challenges brought by 2012.

Frankly, I'm so glad to see 2013 coming in. The numerological energy of 2012, the #5, with all of it's challenging, need to grow, learn and stretch yourself energy, is finally winding down.

The balancing, harmonizing, gentle, loving energy of the #6 is coming in with 2013. THANK GOD for that!

I don’t know about you, but I've got stretch marks all over my body and soul; and I'm ready for a little 'ease and grace'.

So, cheers to 2013 and all that it promises. I’m excited, and ‘insighted’ to see/feel what it brings!

Love and Light to you always…
Rev Lyn

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